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Each member of Merkandi is able to contact the wholesalers. To become a member, you have to create an account at Merkandi, and then complete the payment for the subscription fee.

There are three different ways of contacting wholesalers:

1. From the offer- to contact the wholesaler while viewing the offer, please click the “Wholesaler's data” section, and then "Send message" button. Once you click it, a contact form will appear. The default subject of your message will be the title of the offer. This option is the most convenient one, if you are enquiring for the product shown in the offer. 

2. From the wholesaler’s profile - for general inquiries, the most convenient option is to use the contact form available in the wholesaler’s profile. To send your message, just click the “Send message” button. These two methods also increase the safety of your transactions, as your correspondence can be esily tracked back to the specific seller on Merkandi. 

3. Contact details of the wholesaler - the contact details of each wholesaler can be found next to his or her offer, and within the profile of his or her company. To view them, please log in to your Merkandi account. Please remember, that wholesalers are adding and updating their contact details on their own.

If you are contacting the wholesaler over the contact form, the message will be sent within Merkandi messaging system and by email. The same applies to any reply sent by Merkandi messaging system.

Another important thing about contacting wholesalers, is the message itself. Please ask specific questions concerning the stock and the deal, inform the wholesaler about the intended order (quantity of products you want to buy, how would you like to pay, which of the delivery options will be the best etc.). Also, please allow a few business days to reply. Finally, please consider calling their sales department first, to get the information you need much faster.

The final important thing is, that you may have some problems with contacting wholesalers during summer holiday, and at the end of the year. Apart from the vacation, wholesalers usually catalogue their inventories at the end of each year, and do not accept any orders during that time. Fortunately, most of the wholesalers inform buyers about holiday or stocktaking breaks over the email, and at their websites, so in most cases, you shouldn’t have any problems with finding such information.

To add a new opinion, please go to the wholesaler’s profile, and then click the “Add an opinion” button.

To successfully add an opinion, please make sure that:

  • You have set the kind/type of an opinion (positive, neutral or negative)
  • You have entered the text of Your opinion
  • You have rated all of the aspects of a deal (Item description, Contact with supplier, Delivery time, Delivery cost). Please remember, that 1 star is the lowest rate, and 5 stars are the highest one.

Once You click the “Save” button at the bottom of the window, Your opinion will be saved and added to the moderation queue. Once approved, it will become available to all PREMIUM members of Merkandi.

Merkandi verifies the business activity of each of the wholesalers, who would like to list their products at the website. The wholesaler is requested to send us documents of his or her company, to complete the verification and have this option enabled. The documents we require are VAT registration certificate (or other tax registration certificate), and a certificate of incorporation issued or authorized by a proper institution. 

For example, for UK companies, the required documents are a Certificate of  Registration for Value Added Tax, issued by HM Revenue & Customs, and a Certificate of Incorporation of a Company, issued by Companies House.

Please remember, that private individuals are not able to list offers at Merkandi. This option is available for business entities only.

Merkandi wholesale trading platform brings together wholesalers and volume buyers from many different countries. Each day, new wholesalers, brokers, distributors and purchasers join Merkandi, to buy or sell liquidation stocks, clearance stocks, surplus stocks, end of line stocks etc. The main purpose of our trading platform is to easily connect reliable buyers and sellers.

The basic feature of Merkandi is an access to the database of those wholesalers, who generally sell regular products and irregular wholesale lots, such as overstocks and excess stocks, untested customer returns, end of line products, ex lease and ex demo wholesale goods, bankrupt stocks and closeout stocks.

Thanks to our intuitive website and easy to use search engine, finding the right products and wholesalers is very easy.

Access to the database of verified wholesalers. After creating an account and completing the payment of the membership fee, a user is given 12-months access to the wholesalers’ database. The profile of each wholesale includes the address, phone numbers, email address and website’s url. Using the wholesalers’ database is very easy. Once You sign in to Your Merkandi account, just click the “Wholesale” button on the top of the homepage, to go to the list of verified wholesalers. Please remember, that we have verified each of the companies available within the database, therefore You can be assured, that You will always buy the wholesale stocks from companies, which really exist. Merkandi is therefore a very convenient and time-effective way of finding wholesalers, who are selling regular stocks and overstocks, liquidation stocks, bankrupt stocks etc.

The profile of each wholesaler also includes useful information about the company, such as payment options, delivery options, or languages to communicate with the sales department. The PREMIUM members will also find there opinions about the wholesaler, which have been added by other members of Merkandi.

To make searching more effective, a member is able to use advanced search options. You can filter the wholesalers by country (i.e. UK), categories of wholesale merchandise sold by the wholesalers (i.e. wholesale baby and children products, or liquidation stocks), or the condition of the goods Merkandi (i.e. new, refurbished, untested). Finally, You can also view profiles of those wholesalers, who are sending their offers per request only, and do not list them on Merkandi.

Access to the categorized catalogue of wholesale products. The offers of wholesale goods at Merkandi always include the essential information about the terms and conditions of the deals. The price, available quantity or the minimum to purchase are the basic, and very helpful information, to initially evaluate the certain wholesale lot. What’s more, these information will also enable You to compare the offers, and eventually choose the best one for You.

To reduce the risk of buying the wholesale products online, wholesalers at Merkandi are always verified by us, before they will be added to the database. Moreover, PREMIUM members have also access to the opinions about sellers. The opinions are added by other members of Merkandi, and they are a sort of post-sale reviews of the wholesalers.

In addition to this, Merkandi wholesale trading platform offers You contact forms, which are the easiest way of contacting the wholesalers, and newsletter with the latest wholesale products. Apart from that, our members are able to contact our Customer Service Team from Monday to Friday, in each of the languages supported by us.

Merkandi wholesale trading platform is therefore a complete solution, which helps You in growing Your business network, and finding the wholesale products You need.

If a member of Merkandi is interested in purchasing the certain wholesale lot, then he is able to contact the wholesaler directly, over the phone, email, or our internal messaging system. In most cases, buyers decide to communicate with the wholesalers via messaging system, or email. To make it more efficient, and receive a serious reply from a wholesaler, please follow the guidelines listed below.

  1. Language of communication - please make sure, that You have chosen the right person to communicate with in Your language. The languages to communicate with the certain company, are always listed in the companies’ profiles at Merkandi. If You do not speak any of the listed languages, then please use as simple sentences as possible, and then translate Your inquiry with Google, Bing, or Yandex  translate application. You can also include the information about the languages You speak, because there always is a chance, that a sales team of the certain wholesale actually speaks one of them, but they simply forgot to update their profile at Merkandi. To this end, writing an inquiry in one of the languages listed by the wholesaler, will highly increase the response rate, and the general efficiency of communication between You and him or her.
  2. Your inquiry - at first, briefly introduce Your company and the range of products You are looking for. The next important thing, is to enclose a link to the offer, that You are interested in. Finally, confirm the information from the offer, like the availability of the products, price, minimal order quantity, delivery and payment options etc.
  3. Your contact details - it is very important to provide Your up-to-date contact details, including the phone number and email address, to make further communication easier.

Thanks to shortlist, you can create a list of offers, and then send a bulk inquiry to the wholesalers. You should use it for general inquiries, like questions about availability of the products, because your message will be sent in regard to all offers added to shortlist.

You can also use shortlist to keep your offers for a while, and view them some time later. Just do not forget, that they will not last there forever, and will be gone once your cookie files will expire. To keep some offers for infinite time, please use "add to favorites" option, which is available for each and every offer on Merkandi.

To buy on Merkandi, you need to create an account and pay a registration fee. After payment, your account will be activated and you will get access to the contact details of the sellers.

Merkandi does not sell the goods displayed on the site. It is done by the sellers, who are verified wholesalers. The addresses of their warehouses are published in their company profiles, and these are available after registration and payment for the account.

If you are a buyer

If you do not have an active selling feature, you have the 'buyer' status in our system. This means that sellers can only see your name and the date of joining Merkandi. To allow them to view your data, you must first agree to it. You can do it in the section My Data -> Consents -> I agree to share my contact details. After selecting this option and confirming it, the data will be displayed to the sellers in the messaging module of the user dashboard. By default, this option is inactive because it is you who decides whether you want to share your data or not.
The expressed consent can be withdrawn at any time, which will immediately hide your data.

Data presented after consent:

  • First name and last name
  • Phone number
  • Address data

Your email address will be under no circumstances presented.

Important notes:

  • It is not possible to select the data to be presented. After consent, all data listed above will be displayed.
  • It is not possible to select sellers to whom your data will be revealed. Consent to sharing data is global and applies to all conversations.
  • Both consent and withdrawal of consent are retroactive. This means that in both cases the data will be shared or hidden in all previous conversations.
  • The data is available only in the module of messages exchanged with sellers. They are not available in any other publicly available database, and the sellers with whom you have not been in touch can under no circumstances see your data.

If you are a seller

If you have the seller's feature active, your data will always be presented at every message exchanged with another user. The consent to share data is necessary in order to activate your selling feature. This is a data set that is also available in your warehouse profile. It does not matter if it is the customer who has contacted you or if it is you who are contacting another wholesaler to cooperate or buy goods. It is not possible to hide these data. If you do not agree to share them, the only option is to deactivate your seller's options, which means that you cannot sell or display your products at Merkandi.

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